Six Game-Changing Lessons I've Learned Running My Business

Six Game-Changing Lessons I've Learned Running My Business

Starting and running a small business has been an incredible journey filled with challenges, growth, and invaluable lessons. Reflecting on my path, here are the top lessons I’ve learned:


Start Small and Grow Organically

When I first decided to start TATUM, I didn’t have big investors or a mountain of cash to rely on. It was just me at my dining room table, working with my laptop and a single seamstress who believed in my vision. Those early days were about buying one meter of fabric at a time, taking product photos in my living room, and even building my own website. It was far from glamorous, and I was learning as I went along.

Looking back, those humble beginnings taught me so much. They taught me to be resourceful, to appreciate every small win, and to understand that growth is a process. I'm still developing and growing year by year, at a pace that suits me and the business. You don’t need a lot of money to start; you just need vision, determination, and the willingness to roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty. The journey is ongoing, and that's what makes it exciting.


Balancing Business and Personal Life

Running a business as a single mom is truly a balancing act. While I’ve worked tirelessly to build my brand, I’ve always prioritized time with my boys. I've learned to be incredibly efficient during school hours, so I can focus on them in the afternoons and evenings. It hasn’t been without challenges, but as women, we’re often great at juggling multiple roles. With discipline and organization, it’s possible to manage both a growing business and family life. It’s about knowing what matters most to you. For me, it's being present for my boys and showing them what hard work and determination can achieve. Seeing my 16-year-old launch his own online business has been one of my proudest moments — proof that by sharing my journey, I’m instilling resilience and entrepreneurship in them.


Building Authentic Customer Relationships

One of the things I cherish most is the connection I have with my customers. I still get a rush when I see a familiar name pop up in my orders, and I always try to send a personal note or a small gift to show my appreciation. I’ve had customers who’ve stuck with me from the beginning, and I’ve seen them through their own milestones—weddings, babies, you name it. They’re more than customers; they’re my TATUM Babes, my community. This journey has taught me that real relationships are built on more than just transactions; they’re built on trust, shared stories, and mutual respect.


The Importance of Building a Strong Team

One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is the importance of having a strong team around you. As a bit of a perfectionist and control enthusiast, I’ve always found it hard to delegate tasks and let go. I love being hands-on with every aspect of my business, but I’ve realized that trying to do everything independently can be overwhelming and unsustainable in the long run. The truth is, none of us can do it all alone—nor should we.

Having a team isn’t just about offloading tasks; it’s about bringing together a group of people who each have unique skills and perspectives that can contribute to the growth of a business. It’s about support, collaboration, and building something greater together. While I’m still learning to loosen the reins, I understand now how crucial it is to surround yourself with people who complement your strengths and fill in the gaps. It's a journey, and I’m embracing it one step at a time!


The Power of Self-Belief

Another vital lesson I've learned is the power of self-belief. It’s about truly believing in your abilities, your skills, and your unique talents—and confidently putting yourself out there. I’ve struggled a lot with imposter syndrome, that nagging feeling of not being good enough, which has sometimes held me back from being as dynamic and proactive as I could be. But I’ve realized that once you let go of the fear of what others might think and stop worrying about how your work will be received, you open up space for something amazing to happen.

When you create and share from an authentic place, it's a beautiful journey. You start to grow and flourish, and the positive results follow naturally. Trusting yourself and your voice is key, and it's a path that I’m still on, learning to embrace every day.


Just Start and Stay Consistent

If I could give one piece of advice to aspiring entrepreneurs, it would be this: Just start. I spent so much time doubting myself and wondering if I was ready. The truth is, you’ll never feel 100% ready. But that shouldn’t stop you. I’ve made mistakes, and I’ve had setbacks, but each one has taught me something invaluable. Consistency has been my secret weapon—showing up day in and day out, even when it feels like nothing is happening. I’ve learned that success isn’t about a big break; it’s about the small, consistent efforts that add up over time.

Starting and running a business is an adventure with highs and lows. It’s taught me more about myself than I ever could have imagined. For those of you considering starting your own business or already on your way, I hope these lessons resonate with you. Remember, the journey is just as important as the destination. So, here’s to all the TATUM Babes out there—let’s keep learning, growing, and thriving together!


Much Love,


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